New setup with iTerm, fish, tmux and nvim

I’ve been using fish for quite a while now, in cooperation with tmux.

I've been using all different incarnations of Vi since I started working with Unix 1991. I think I've tried most of them: Vi, Vim, gVim, MacVim, and now I've arrived at NeoVim, or "nvim" for short.

The setup I've been using with MacVim has been the YADR setup. However, since I'm not a developer per se, but a SysAdmin, there were a bit too much config involved in YADR.

I've now found NeoVim and it's excellent LazyVim setup, that I'll be trying out for a while. During that I also found the Tmux Plugin Manager, that I'll also test for a while.

For all of the tools (fish, tmux and nvim) I also found the Dracula theme/colorscheme, which also has themes/colorschemes for some 300+ apps, including Visual Studio Code, iTerm, native terminals for Gnome, macOS and Windows among others.