Gnu stow

I’ve found Gnu stow to manage linking my dotfiles from my git repo into their target directories. So far I’ve only done zsh, tmux and git. Now I’ve moved nvim, tmuxinator and fish into the same dotfiles directory and am linking them with stow.

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Back to zsh

I’ve been using fish for quite a while now, in cooperation with tmux.

As seen in my previous post I've updated my environment regarding tmux and editor. I did do a re-think about shell though, and I thought I'd go with the default shell in macOS for a while at least. I still have my fish config.

I'm now considering, and trying, going back to zsh, but not in combination with Oh-my-zsh that was part of my old YADR setup. After seeing how it grew over the last couple of years, and reading about it being kind of "bloatware" nowadays - I thought I'd try something slimmer. I found zsh4humans and thought I'd try that for a while. It incorporates p10k and with some tweaks it seems like I can get it to where I like it.

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New setup with iTerm, fish, tmux and nvim

I’ve been using fish for quite a while now, in cooperation with tmux.

I've been using all different incarnations of Vi since I started working with Unix 1991. I think I've tried most of them: Vi, Vim, gVim, MacVim, and now I've arrived at NeoVim, or "nvim" for short.

The setup I've been using with MacVim has been the YADR setup. However, since I'm not a developer per se, but a SysAdmin, there were a bit too much config involved in YADR.

I've now found NeoVim and it's excellent LazyVim setup, that I'll be trying out for a while. During that I also found the Tmux Plugin Manager, that I'll also test for a while.

For all of the tools (fish, tmux and nvim) I also found the Dracula theme/colorscheme, which also has themes/colorschemes for some 300+ apps, including Visual Studio Code, iTerm, native terminals for Gnome, macOS and Windows among others.

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Re-install Configuration Profiles in macOS 10.15 Catalina

We’re using a Configuration Profile for 802.1x authorization. It binds to the “First available” ethernet, which means if you use a different type of adapter (USB/Thunderbolt/etc. are different types), it won’t use the profile. You either have to be without ethernet (usually not a viable option) or re-install the profile for the correct type of ethernet adapter.

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Normalize HipChat usernames

When exporting data from HipChat Server or Data Center you will end up with unusable usernames due to the fact that HipChat doesn’t care about usernames, it uses email address as it’s authentication id.

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