Increase RateLimit in on-prem hosted HipChat server

We are programatically sending messages to and creating rooms in our HipChat server using API tokens. Sometimes you might need to increase the RateLimit to be able to process the number of API requests that the server can handle for any particular API token.

This is how we do it:

Start out by finding out the API token for the proper user:

HipChat web -> login as the API user -> Click avatar in upper right corner -> choose “Account Settings” -> “API access” -> your tokens will be listed or navigate to https://FQDN_of_your_hipchat_server/account/api after login

ssh into your HipChat Server as admin and run this:

sudo dont-blame-hipchat
cd /opt/atlassian/hipchat/sbin/
export HIPCHATTOKEN=<your_API_v2_token>
curl --include --insecure | grep Ratelimit

The last curl will tell you what it’s set to.

:exclamation: Note: This is neither recommended nor supported by Atlassian (or maybe Slack nowadays)
